
Reasons to Swap Out Your Credit Card Solution

Reasons to Swap Out Your Credit Card Solution:

There have been many changes in the credit card industry over the past couple years including new technologies, mandates, deadlines, increased levels of complexity, and then of course the ongoing nightmare called PCI DSS.

With all the new changes, and complications in the credit card processing industry today, is it time to think about a new Next-Generation-Credit Card Solution?

Think of the headaches you can avoid using a payment solution that is considered “Out-of-Scope” for PCI DSS!

If you are concerned about your existing payment solution and looking for an alternative, please consider our new PaymentCardXpress® (PCX) offering. It is a Next-Generation-Credit Card Solution that:

  1. Improves Security
  2. Lowers Your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  3. Scales Without Rewrite
  4. Avoids Lock-In
  5. Supports NoCode Options
  6. Supports FastPath Analytics
  7. Is PCI DSS Validated
  8. Includes Processor Certifications and OEM Validations
  9. Is Intended to Run On Your System But Is Cloud Enabled and Validated
  10. Includes No Charge Upgrades
  11. Provides Discounts to Government Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations
  12. Instills Vendor Confidence

We are looking forward to discussing how we might be able to help your organization make the change to a new Next-Generation-Credit Card Solution. 

Please call CFXWorks 678-455-0952

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